Sunday, February 24, 2008


I am thrilled to be the second columnist for In Cogito, and I believe my first post should offer an adequate introduction of myself, so that you know what to expect as a reader. My most important goal is to approach every issue I address as purely objectively as possible, of course while at the same time maintaining an appropriate level of rational human subjectivity. After all, one could always argue under any circumstances that all human logic and rationality is an illusion. Thus, even our perceptions of reality are utterly flawed, which would effectively render any issue and any discussion pointless and redundant. So, unfortunately, I must generally neglect such an abstract school of thought in my writings. But I digress.

I do not belong to any political party in particular, nor do I adhere to any kind of established general political ideology. I follow my own political agenda, which has been known to vary, and besides, is too complex to go into in this introduction, but you can be sure that you will hear more of it in the future.

I am an Atheist zealot, and will undoubtedly be attacking various theologies in my column, but I will focus primarily on Christianity. I have nothing personal whatsoever against Christians, but because I have been surrounded by Christianity for my entire life, as my own mother is a Christian, and Christianity is the most influential, imperialistic and widespread religion of all, I find that I am most knowledgeable about this particular faith, and therefore it is the easiest one to target.

For future reference, if any readers are religious, please do not be offended, as I am only advocating my “beliefs” in the same way that you would advocate yours. My beliefs are all based on my own rationalizations, not fairy tales, but I am ready and willing to listen to any counterarguments you have to offer, or even any attempts you may wish to make to convert me, as admittedly I have imposed my opinions upon you, so it would only be fair for me to allow you to do the same.

Thanks for reading, I am looking forward to writing more for In Cogito.

- Voice of Reason