Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Why the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Must Be Solved in 20 Years, For Israel's Sake

I don't want you to get the wrong idea from the title, I'm very much pro-Israel. Israel is, however, facing a crisis.

Its not the Iranian bomb, the fictional Palestinian demographic explosion, or imminent invasion. No, those are manageable.

Take a gander over to your left please. Forgive me if I make the wild presumption that you don't regard yourself as a terrorist, because each and every day I become less sure.

Israel's problem started a while ago, in an unlikely place. You see Israel one had what were widely regarded as the best diplomats in the world - not anymore. No, instead of steadily articulating Israel's side of issues on the world stage, as they used to, the country's diplomats changed course. They took an approach that allowed Arab propaganda to pass by in order to further the "peace process". Myths and lies were propagated on the world stage.

Myths and Lies like:
1. Israelis stole the land.
When in fact the Bedouin tribes living in the area were squatters and landowners in Cairo + Damascus held the titles. The Jews then bought the land over time from these landholders, and held the property deeds when the UN and Britain(who controlled the area) declared Israel a sovereign state.

2. Jews committed ethnic cleansing in Palestine.
Is just a flat out lie. Palestinians moved voluntarily or stayed(see Israel's over 1 million Israeli Arabs) during Israeli independence. If you want to see true ethnic cleansing see what happened in the Arab countries during this time period. And understand that in the peace deal there are no Jews allowed in Judenrein Palestine.

3. Jews used terror to establish Israel.
They point to a single "terror" attack in British mandate Palestine, the King David Hotel Bombing. In fact the Kind David Hotel Bombing was being used as a military installation by the Brits. The Arab workers inside were told to leave so they wouldn't be hurt and the French consulate across the street was told to shut its windows so that they wouldn't be hurt by glass shards.

Of course, there are many more myths propagated but discussing them would derail us from the point.

These idea were propagated on the world stage, and with the advent of Haaretz a Jewish run publication that advocates Post-Zionist revisionism media outlets in Europe(mainly) were quick to pick up what they perceived to be "Ok" because Jews had said it.

The ideas were eventually picked up by University faculty through their systems of tenure and liberal adoption of Arab beliefs. The New Left adopted Arab beliefs because:

1. Israel is perceived to be a proxy of the US. As such, the disdain filters down the grape vine.

2. Arabs, as the weaker side, are an easy fit into the little guy vs big mean guy idealogy of the New Left.

3. Jews just let those beliefs pass by. Giving them legitimacy.

The problem is when the Universities pick up these ideas they indoctrinate their students. Universities are just companies that churn out products in the form of students and the curriculum is the same for all students. See the problem? The demographic time bomb is not in Israel, its in the US.

When these kids hit the point where they control the system it'll be endgame for Israel. That's why peace needs to come within twenty years.


Anonymous said...

"The demographic time bomb is not in Israel, its in the US".

Could you be a little more melodramatic please?